Church Directory 2015-Present

I was asked to design the 2015 edition of the joint internal directory for Rainham Parish Church (St Helen & St Giles) & Wennington Parish Church (St Mary & St Peter). I was given free reign to redesign the front cover however I saw fit.

I looked at the previous year's design (which had been done in Microsoft Word), and saw that it had photographs of both Parish Churches, so I decided that it would be best to incorporate both church buildings in the image.

After much thought, I settled on a playful, colourful "toy church" idea, and set to work in Illustrator constructing the buildings using simple shapes and block colours. Then, into InDesign for the typography, and to incorporate it into the directory content.

This cover design has been used annually to the present day, changing only the year on the cover.




Church Tourist Guides


RWPC Newsletter 2015-2020